नामदार गोखले-चरित्र 138
A life like Gokhale's is full of lessons to all, and to every public worker, every citizen. The pains that Mr. Gokhale took to master his subjects, his culture, his subjects, his culture, his wide outlook , his sound judgement, his sweet reasonableness, and his spirit of compromise, his avoidance of personal questions, his self- denial, his unwavering determination to do the right and his tenacity of purpose are all worthy of the highest imitation. It may not be given to all to possess Mr. Gokhale's abilities or constructive statesmanship, but it is open to every one to work for the public good in the spirit which animated him and with high ideals which guided him.
We have many illustrious men during the last १०० years and I hope we shall have many more in the coming years. They will be men probably with equal intellectual qualifications, with equally earnest patriotism, with an equally earnest desire to serve the country, but a combination of the qualities which made Mr. Gokhale dear to the whole country is not easily to be looked for.
He was a noble soul fired by a patriotism all consuming. A born leader of men, he never aspired to anything but the humblest servant of the motherland, in whose service he brought such devotion into play that it is now a matter of history. He lived up to the very high ideal which he set before himself and his countrymen and I cannot do better than to describe that ideal in his own inimitable language. In one of his speeches he said : `Public life must be spiritualised. Love of country must so fill the heart that all else shall appear as of little moment by its side. A fervent patriotism which rejoices at every opportunity of sacrifice for the motherland, a dauntless heart which refuses to be turned back from its object by difficulty or danger, a deep faith in the purpose of providence that nothing can shake equipped with these the worker must start on his mission and reverently seek the joy which comes of spending oneself in the service of the motherland.'' These were the Noble words that he uttered and that was the ideal which he strictly followed in his life, and true to his words he literally, actually spent himself in the sevice of the motherland.