Advantages of having a Dog
Walking your dog on a daily basis improves your fitness levels.
· There is a reason dogs have long been called a
man's best friend. Their loyalty, intelligence, devotion and affection are
incredibly rewarding. And of course for all the love you put in, a dog will
give it back to you tenfold.
Patting a dog lowers your blood pressure,
therefore lowering your chances of cardiovascular diseases.
· Dog owners are generally happier than non pet
owners. Having a dog around you helps during recovery from personal trauma,
such as bereavement. It also helps to overcome depression.
Dog owners often recover faster from illnesses
and have a higher survival rate after a heart attack.
Dogs provide us with a sense of emotional wellbeing
thanks to the unconditional love they give us.
· Dog-walking increases social interaction. Polls say that
people tend to trust other people who walk along with their dogs as compared to
people walking alone on the streets. Many people
become friends with the fellow dog owners they regularly meet. This gives rise
to a nice and comfortable social circle where you and your dogs are well
accepted. People who do not own dogs, often strike up a conversation with you
if they find your dog interesting.
· Dog owners tend to get sick less frequently and
less severely. Children who have dogs as pets have fewer sick days at school,
and children who own pets often have better self esteem.
· Above all, dogs are great fun. They can make
you laugh, even if you've had a terrible day, and they're always there for a
reassuring hug when you need it.
A dog tends to bring the entire family together. Caring for and
doing things for the dog together many a times is a great time for bonding not
just with the dog, but also with your family.
· A Chinese study found that people who own dogs get better sleep
at night. This is owing to the fact that they get a good amount of physical and
mental activity during the day as compared to a non dog owner.
· Dog’s are a reflection of the owner’s personality.
· A dog is your best wing man.