Health - Spaying and Neutering
It is advisable to
spay / neuter your dog once your dog has reached 6 months of age.
Spaying before
maturity significantly reduces the risk of breast cancer, a common and
frequently fatal disease in older female dogs.
Spaying also
eliminates the risk of an infected uterus, a very serious problem in older
females that requires surgery and intensive medical care. Spaying also reduces
the chances of your dog developing the pseudo pregnancy syndrome.
Neutering males
prevents testicular and prostate cancer and diseases, some hernias.
Neutering your pet
at an early age helps greatly to correct aggression & many behavioural
Spayed bitches and
neutered dogs make the best family pets.
Maintaining a
spayed female dog is as easy as maintaining a neutered male dog. There are no
hygiene issues and there will never be any chance of discharge or bleeding.