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26. Biblical God Is Jealous And Vindictive, Vedic God Is Benevolent Father



(i) Biblical God is jealous 

The Biblical God himself states that He is jealous God. Read the following passage :

231. �5. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for 1 the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.�

- Exodus, 20/5

Is it justice that the children of third and fourth generation, who are not yet born, will be punished for no fault of theirs ?  Moreover, this is mundane thought of mortals, not Immortal Almighty.  It is human attribute that he indulges in revenge against those who hate him.  How can God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, all-powerful and all-pervasive, be jealous and revengeful against those who hate him ? Is it possible that God, the all-powerful is hated by anyone ? Actually He neither hates any one, nor is hated by.

(ii) Biblical God is vindictive

The Holy Bible states that Biblical God takes revenge and that He is jealous.  He reserves wrath against his enemies

232. �2. God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth; the Lord revengeth, and is furious; the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.�

- Nahum, 1/2

How can God, who is the most gracious, the most merciful, the most compassionate and the most benevolent Father of all, have enemies ? How can He reserve wrath against his enemies ?


All the scholars of the world unanimously agree that Rig Veda is the oldest scripture in the world.  Rev. Morris Phillip concludes with firm conviction :

"After the latest researches into history and chronology of books of old Testaments, we may safely call the Rig Veda as the oldest book, not only of the Aryan humanity but of the whole world.�

- Rev. Morris Phillip

Rig Veda states that Supreme Being is benevolent Father of all creatures of the cosmos.  He looks after all beings whether they are virtuous or sinner.  Being sustainer of the whole cosmos, He feeds, clothes, covers and heals even the greatest sinner.  All beings of the universe, irrespective of caste, colour and creed, enjoy the bliss of His unfathomable mercy and power.

AByaUNaao-ita yaÙagnaM iBaYai>x ivaEvaM ya<aurma\ |
pa`omanQa: KyaiÙa: Ea`aoNaao BaUta\ ||
                    à Pgvaod 8ó79ó2

He covers all who are naked,
He heals up all who are wounded,
Through His grace blind man sees,
And the cripple walks.
                   - Rig Veda 8/79/2


�A nation that fails to take pride in its past achievements or to take inspiration therefrom, can never build up the present or plan for the future.  A weak nation can never attain greatness.�

- Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee

�Politics is ultimately subservient to the interests of the nation.  If we give up all thoughts of a nation�s basic identity, history, culture and traditions, of what use is that politics ?�

- Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya



Kanayalal M. Talreja
Preface 1. Vedic Monotheism and Biblical Doctrine of Trinity 2. Cult of Virgin Mary and Vedic Universal Law 3. Biblical God Creates Conflict, Vedic God Precepts Peace 4. Biblical God is Wrathful, Vedic God is Benevolent Friend 5. Mercy by Vedic God, Massacre by Biblical God 6. Bible Prescribes Death Penalty, Vedas Preach Reformation 7. Bible Denigrates Women, Vedas Elevate Them 8. Obscene Episodes In Bible, Moral Code of Conduct in Vedas 9. Bible : Torture Non-Believers, Vedas : Love All 10. Bible Preaches Atrocious Intolerance, Vedas Preach Fraternity 11. Biblical God Demands Sacrifice of Animals, Vedic God Saves Dumb Animals 12. Vegetarianism in Vedas, Flesh-Eating in Bible 13. Human Sacrifice in Bible Non-Violence in Vedas 14. Strain of Cannibalism in Bible, Purity in Vedas 15. Unparliamentary Language in Bible, Sweetness of Tongue in Vedas 16. Unscientific Teachings in Bible, Scientific Truth in Vedas 17. Bible Preaches Untruth, Vedas Preach Truth 18. Bible Condemns Knowledge, Wisdom and Philosophy, Vedas Promote Them 19. Biblical Doctrine of Damnation, Vedic Doctrine of Salvation 20. Doctrine Of �Be Good, Do Good� In Both Vedas And Bible 21. Sermons Of �Forgiveness And Non-Violence� In Both Vedas and Bible 22. Witchcraft In Bible, Divine Path in Vedas 23. Bible Establishes Slavery, Vedas Preach Equality And Liberty 24. Bible Preaches �Racism�, Vedas Preach �Equal Rights� 25. Biblical God Breaks and Burns Idols Vedic God Bestows Bliss 26. Biblical God Is Jealous And Vindictive, Vedic God Is Benevolent Father 27. Tyrannical Voice Of Biblical God Blissful Nature Of Vedic God 28. Butchery By �Biblical Men Of God�, Benevolence By Vedic �Rishis� Bibliography