3. Biblical God Creates Conflict, Vedic God Precepts Peace
It is an admitted fact that God Almighty, the Creator of the cosmos, is one, not two. He is the benign Father of all human beings of the earth irrespective of their caste, colour, creed, community and country. If it is so, how can we describe Him as Biblical God or Vedic God ? As a matter of fact, God is neither Biblical, nor Vedic, nor Quranic. God is God only. He is above epithets. He is beyond comprehension. Yet He is described differently in different scriptures. What is required that His main characteristics must remain unchanged in all the holy books. When His main characteristics as described in different scriptures contradict each other, it is the duty of scholar to point out where truth lies. Biblical God here means God as described in Holy Bible. Similarly Vedic God signifies God as described in Holy Vedas.
(i) Biblical God : �I came not for peace, but a sword.�
In the New Testament, Biblical God declares that He came to the earth not for peace, but to wield a sword :
16. �34. Think not that I am come to send peace on earth ; I came not to send peace, but a sword.�(ii) Biblical God�s mission : to create rift in family- Matthew, 10/34
In the New Testament, Biblical God reveals His mission categorically. He says :
17. �For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.�
- Matthew, 10/35
Vedic God bestows
peace and harmony on all the members of family. Vedas are harbinger
of love and light, peace and prosperity, sweetness and serenity.
The first learning centre of man is family. If there prevail peace
and love, respect and reverence, dignity and decency, affection and integrity
in each family, the citizens will build a strong nation. That is
why God precepts in Atharva Veda lesson of love, harmony, sweetness and
unity in each family :
maa Ba`ataa Ba`atarM iWXanmaa svasaarmauta svasaa |How fine ideal of family concord is set in following mantra of Atharva Veda
samyajca: sava`taa BaUtvaa vaacaM vadta Bad`yaa ||
à Aqava-vaod 3ó30ó3Let no brother hate his brother,
Let no sister hate her sister,
Mayest thou speak and behave
With harmony and sweetness,
Mayest thou be unanimous
With one accord.
- Atharva Veda 3/30/3
Anauva`ta: ipatau: pau~aao maa~aa Bavatau saMmanaa: |
jaayaa patyao maQaumataIM vaacaM vadtau Sauintavaama\ ||2||
à Aqava-vaod 3ó30ó2May son follow
The footsteps of his father,
May he have unity of mind
With his mother
May wife talk to her husband
In gentle words, as sweet as honey.
- Atharva Veda 313012
Unlike Bible
God, who Himself declares in Bible that He has come to create rift in families,
Vedic God declares in Atharva Veda that He has bound all men with common
bond, so all should sit together, eat together, drink together and pray
samaanaI pa`paa sah vaao#nnaBaaga: samaanao yaao@~ao sah vaao yaunaijma |
samyajcaao#ignaM sapaya-taara naaiBaimavaaiBata: ||
à Aqava-vaod 3ó30ó6Let your drinking place be common
Let the share of your food be common,
I bind you together
With common bond;
Just as all spokes (rods) of a wheel
Are united at its hub
From all directions,
So should you remain united
To pray together to glorious God.
- Atharva Veda 3/30/6
Vedic religion ordains men to remain united having common minds, common aims and objects, and common goal.
saD:gacCQvaM vadQvaM saM vaao manaaMisa jaanataama\ |
dovaa BaagaM yaqaa paUvao- sajjaanaanaa {paasatao ||
à Pgvaod 10ó191ó2March together, speak together
Let your minds be united,
Like sages of yore, being of one mind,
Accept your share of fortune.
- Rig Veda 10/19/12
Vedic God, unlike Biblical God, urges men to assemble on common platform to think together, plan together and work together with one aim, one object, one purpose, one mind, one intention, one determination, one mode, one goal and one destination.
samaanaao man~a: saimaita: samaanaI samaanaM mana: sah ica<amaoYaama\ |
samaanaM man~amaiBa man~ayao va: samaanaona vaao hivaYaa jauhaoima ||
à Pgvaod 10ó191ó3May your counsel be common,
May you belong to one fraternity,
May your minds move
With one accord.
May your hearts work in harmony
For one goal.
May you be inspired
By common ideal.
May you offer worship
With common oblation
- Rig Veda 10/191/3
samaanaI va AakUxtaI: samaanaa =dyaaina va: |
samaanamastau vaao manaao yaqaa va: sausahasaita ||
à Pgvaod 10ó191ó4May you resolve
With one accord.
May your hearts be in unison
May your thoughts be harmonious,
So that you may live together
With happiness and hilarity.
- Rig Veda 10/191/4
�The world is not prepared to listen to the philosophy, however sublime, of the weak.�