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III.8. Outline of a New Vedic School

Part III.8

Outline of a New Vedic School


�������� The outlines of a new Vedic school are not hard to determine because the older Vedic school simply needs to be redesigned in a modern context. Naturally, each of these subjects is a field in itself. Here I will only aim at showing the basic structure. It includes the main topics covered in the Six Vedangas, Four Upavedas and the Six systems of Vedic philosophy and their offshoots


��� Vedic Philosophy

����������� Shad Darshanas (Six Schools of Vedic Philosophy) and Modern Applications

1.      Nyaya � logic

2.      Vaisheshika � categorization

3.      Samkhya � cosmic principles

4.      Yoga � methods of reintegration

5.      Mimamsa � ritual

6.      Vedanta � theology and ontology

Modern Vedanta

1.      Neo-Advaita Vedanta

2.      Neo-Yoga Vedanta

3.      Neo-Bhakti Vedanta

��� Vedic Spiritual Practices (Yoga)

Yoga, traditional and modern

1.      Jnana Yoga � Yoga of Knowledge

2.      Bhakti Yoga � Yoga of Devotion

3.      Karma Yoga � Yoga of Service

4.      Raja Yoga � The eightfold Yoga of Patanjali

5.      Hatha Yoga � Yoga of the Physical Body

6.      Tantric Yoga � Sciences of Mantra, Yantra and Tantra


��� Vedic Science of Ritual


Daily, Monthly, Seasonal and Yearly Rituals and their effect on the individual, society and nature


����������� Devata Puja and its usages for Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha


The usage of sacraments on personal and collective levels


��� Vedic Medicine, Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Life-Style Recommendations

Clinical Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Psychology


��� Vedic Physics (Jyotish � Adhidaiva Vidya)

����������� Vedic Cosmology, the fourteen worlds (Loka Vidya)

����������� Astronomy (physical influences)

Astrology (spiritual influences), Karma Vidya and Kala Vidya

����������� Natal Chart

����������� Mundane Astrology

����������� Muhurta����������



��� Vedic Earth Sciences (Adhibhuta Vidya)

Hindu Ecology

����������� Vedic Geology

����������� Vedic Botany

Vastu (Sthapatya Veda)


��� Vedic Social Science (Varnashrama Dharma)

Social Stratification: Vedic view of family, tribe and community (Varna, Jati, Samaj)

Stages of Life (Ashrama)

Vedic Women�s Studies, the Goddess and the Role of Shakti


��� Vedic History

����������� Itihasa-Purana � Traditional Accounts of History

����������� Modern Vedic School of History

History of India, History of Native Cultures, World History

����������� History of Science from Vedic perspective


��� Vedic Arts

Representational Art and Iconography (Murti Vidya)

Music and Dance (Gandharva Veda)

����������� Poetry, Literature and Drama


��� Vedic Language Science

����������� Linguistic Theory


����������� Mantra


Towards a Greater Indic or Bharatiya School


An Indic (Bharatiya) School of Thought would predominantly follow a Vedic model but also have a place for non-Vedic Schools. It would include the five non-Vedic philosophies (four classical Buddhist school and Jainism), Buddhist and Jain Yoga schools, and Buddhist and Jain accounts of history (Jatakas). It would include the non-Vedic applications of Vedic sciences like the traditional Buddhist and Jain applications of Ayurvedic medicine and Vedic astrology as well as Buddhist and Jain forms of art and temple construction. Buddhist and Jain Sanskrit works and literature would be afforded a great importance.


������ Broader dharmic approaches to society, ecology and science should also be developed, using Indic systems in harmony with other spiritual, scientific and naturalistic approaches from throughout the world. Clearly, much work is to be done but there is an excellent structure from the past to build upon�a magnificent temple whose interior is in tact though whose outer walls need strengthening.


������ May such new Vedic and Dharmic schools arise all over the world!


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