II.10. The Myth of the Hindu Right
Part II.10
The Myth of the Hindu Right
������ In media accounts today, any group that identifies itself as
Hindu or tries to promote any Hindu cause is immediately and uncritically
defined as �right-winged�. In the leftist accounts that commonly come from the
Indian press, Hindu organizations are also routinely called militants and
fascists. However, if we look at their actual views, Hindu groups have a very
different ideology and practices than the political right in other countries.
In fact many Hindu causes are more at home in the left in the West than in the
The whole idea
of the �Hindu right� is a ploy to discredit the Hindu movement as backward and
prevent people from really examining it. The truth is that the Hindu movement
is a revival of a native spiritual tradition that has nothing to do with the
political right-wing of any western country. Its ideas are spiritually
evolutionary, not politically regressive, though such revivals do have a few
extremists. Let us examine the different aspects of the Hindu movement and
where they would fall in the political spectrum of left and right as usually
defined in the West.
and Native Traditions
The Hindu cause is
similar to the causes of native and tribal peoples all over the world, like
native American and African groups. Even Hindu concerns about cultural
encroachment by western religious and commercial interests mirrors those of
other traditional peoples who want to preserve their cultures. Yet while the
left has taken up the concerns of native peoples worldwide, the same concerns
of Hindus are styled right-wing or communal, particularly in India!
When native
Americans ask for a return of their sacred sites, the left in America supports
them. When Hindus ask for a similar return of their sacred sites, the left in
India opposes them and brands them as intolerant for their actions! When native
peoples in America or Africa protest against the missionaries for interfering
with their culture, the left supports them. Yet when Hindus express the same
sentiments, the left attacks them. Even the Hindu demand for rewriting the
history of India to better express the value of their indigenous traditions is
the same as what native Africans and Americans are asking for. Yet the left
opposes this Hindu effort, while supporting African and American efforts of a
similar nature.
������ In countries like America, native traditions are minorities
and thereby afforded a special sympathy. Leftists in general tend to support
minority causes and often lump together black African and native American
causes as examples of the damage caused by racism and colonialism. In India, a
native tradition has survived the colonial period but as the tradition of the majority of the people. Unfortunately,
the intellectual elite of India, though following largely a leftist
orientation, has no sympathy for the country�s own native tradition. They
identify it as right-wing in order to express their hostility towards it. They
try to portray it as a majority oppression of minorities, when it is the
movement of a suppressed majority to regain its dignity.
surprisingly, the same leftists in India, who have long been allied to
communist China, similarly style the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan cause as
right-wing and regressive, though the Dalai Lama is honored by the American
left. This should tell the reader about the meaning of right and left as
political terms in India. When one looks at the Hindu movement as the assertion
of a native tradition with a profound spiritual heritage, the whole perspective
on it changes.
������ The Hindu movement in India in its most typical form follows a
Swadeshi (own-country) movement like the Swadeshi Jagaran Manch. It emphasizes
protecting the villages and local economies, building economic independence and
self-reliance for the country. It resists corporate interference and challenges
multinational interests, whether the bringing of fast food chains to India,
western pharmaceuticals or terminator seeds.
������ Such an economic policy was supported by Mahatma Gandhi with
his emphasis on the villages, reflected in his characteristic usage of the
spinning wheel. Its counterparts in the West are the groups that protest the World
Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
(IMF). However, these protest groups are generally classified as �left-wing� by
the international press.
������ The international press considers the economic right-wing to
be the powers of the multinational corporations, particularly, the oil
industry, which certainly are not the allies of Hindu economics. Clearly Hindu
economics is more connected with the New Left in the West and has little in
common with the right. The Republican right in America, with its corporate
interests, would hardly take up the cause of Hindu economics either.
Meanwhile the
BJP, the so-called Hindu nationalist party in India, has been responsible for
much the economic liberalization if the country, sometimes even to the dismay
of some votaries of Hindu economics. It has been the main opponent of the
socialist policies of the previous Congress and left governments that had
communist leanings. While such a movement is to the right in the political
spectrum, the policies of the BJP are a movement towards western capitalism
from the left, they are not a movement from it to the right. At most they
emulate a more open capitalist society as in the West but one that retains a
dharmic background.
Ecology and Nature Concerns
������ Hindu groups are well known for promoting vegetarianism and
animal rights, particularly the protection of cows. The Hindu religion as a
whole honors the Divine in animals and recognizes that animals have a soul and
will eventually achieve liberation. Hindu groups have tried to keep fast food
franchises, which emphasize meat consumption, out of India. Such a movement
would be part of consumer advocacy movements that are generally leftist or
liberal causes in the West. Again it is hardly an agenda of the right-wing in
America, which has a special connection to the beef industry; or to the
right-wing worldwide, which has no real concern for animal rights and is
certainly not interesting in spreading vegetarianism.
Hindus look upon
nature as sacred, honoring the rivers and mountains as homes of deities. They
stress the protection of Mother Earth, which they worship in the form of the
cow. They have a natural affinity with the western ecology movement and efforts
to protect animals, forests and wilderness areas. This is also hardly a
right-wing agenda.
Religious Pluralism
������ The Hindu religion is a pluralistic tradition that accepts
many paths, teachers, scriptures and teachings. One cannot be a Christian
without accepting Christ or a Buddhist without accepting Buddha, but one can be
a Hindu without accepting any single figure. In fact there are Hindus who may
not follow Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Vishnu or other Hindu sages or deities and
still count as Hindu.
������ Hindus have been at the forefront in arguing for the cause of
religious diversity and the acceptance of pluralism in religion, rejecting the
idea that any single religion alone can be true. This Hindu idea of
religion�which is also subscribed to by so-called right wing Hindu groups like
RSS�is obviously not part of the agenda of the religious right in the West. The
American Christian right is still sending missionaries to the entire world in
order to convert all people to Christianity, the only true religion. It is
firmly fixed on one savior, one scripture and a rather literal interpretation
of these. Yet when Hindus ask the pope to make a statement that truth can be
found outside of any particular church or religion they are called right-wing
and backwards, while the pope, who refuses to acknowledge the validity of
Hindu, Buddhist or other Indic traditions, is regarded as liberal! Such
pluralism in religious views is hardly a cause for any right-wing movement in
the world, but is also considered progressive, liberal, if not leftist (except
in India).
and Science
������ Unlike the religious right in the West, the Hindu movement is
not against science or opposed to teaching evolution in the schools. Hinduism
does promote occult and spiritual subjects like astrology, Ayurvedic medicine,
Yoga or Vedanta, but these are the same basic teachings found in the New Age in
the West, generally regarded as a liberal or leftist movement, not those of the
religious right in the West. Many leaders of the Hindu movement are in fact
scientists. For example, RSS leaders like former chief Rajinder Singh, or BJP
leaders like Murli Manohar Joshi have also been professors of modern physics.
������ In fact we could compare Hinduism as a whole with the case of
Ayurveda. Ayurveda as a form of mind-body medicine emphasizing the role of
consciousness in health and disease is part of the alternative medicine
movement in the West and considered to be progressive, while the medical
establishment that emphasizes allopathy is regarded as conservative, if not
right-wing. However, in India it is Ayurveda, because it is a tradition of the
country, which is regarded as backwards, while modern medicine is regarded as
Hindu Movement and Caste
������ The Hindu right is often defined in the media in terms of
caste, as favoring the upper castes over the lower castes. This is another
distortion that is often intentional. Modern Hindu teachers have been at the
forefront of removing caste. This includes great figures like Vivekananda,
Mahatma Gandhi and Aurobindo. It includes major Hindu movements like the Arya
Samaj, the largest Vedic movement in modern India, and the Swadhyaya movement.
The RSS, the
largest so-called Hindu right wing group, rejects caste and works to remove it
from Hindu society, giving prominence to leaders from lower classes and working
to open the Hindu priesthood to members of all castes. While caste continues to
be a problem in certain segments of Hindu society, it is generally not because
of these current Hindu social, religious and political movements, but because
their reform efforts are resisted.
Hindu Movement and Women�s Rights
������ Generally, the right wing in the West is defined as opposed to
women�s rights. However, there are many women�s groups and active women leaders
in the Hindu movement and in the Hindu religion. Being a woman is no bar for
being a political or religious leader in India as it often is in the West.
Hinduism has the worlds� largest and oldest tradition of the worship of the
Divine as Mother, including as India itself. Great female Hindu gurus like
Ammachi (Mata Amritanandamayi) travel and teach all over the world. The Hindu
movement worships India on a spiritual level as a manifestation of the Divine
Mother (Shakti).
Hindus were very
protective of their women during the period foreign and kept them sequestered,
which was often for their own safety. Unfortunately, this trend has continued
among some Hindus in the modern world when it is no longer necessary. So while
there is poor treatment of women in some parts of Hindu society, this has not
been by modern Hindu teachers or movements that have tried to raise the status
of women as Shakti.
Hindu Bomb
������ Perhaps the main thing in recent years used to define Hindus in
India as right-winged is India�s testing of the nuclear bomb in 1998. Yet
India�s concern for its military welfare and need for a nuclear deterrent is
certainly no more than what the democratic party in the United States has asked
for. The Indian government has at the same time argued for complete nuclear
disarmament, which it would be happy to comply with. Note that the Dalai Lama
supported India�s nuclear testing. He can hardly regarded as a right-wing
leader (except by the Chinese communists and their Indian counterparts).
The Indian Left: The Old Left
������ In India, the political terminology of right and left is
defined by Marxists, who like to call anyone that opposes them right-wing or
fascists, which they used to do even with socialists. In their view anything
traditionally Hindu would have to be right-wing on principle, just as their
views are always deemed progressive, even if supporting Stalinist tactics. This
means that in India such subjects as Yoga, natural healing, vegetarianism and
animal rights are all automatically right-wing because they are causes of the
Hindu mind, with antecedents in ancient Indian culture. Great Hindu yogis and
sages from Shankaracharya to Sri Aurobindo are classified by modern Marxists as
right-wing, if not fascist.
������ However, the Indian left is mainly the Old Left, emphasizing a
failed communist ideology and state economic planning such as dominated Eastern
Europe in the decades following World War II and took it nowhere. It wreaked
the same havoc with the economy and educational systems of India and kept the
country backward. Indian communists are among the few in the world that still
proudly honor Stalin and Mao (while warning of the danger of Hindu
fundamentalism)! Communist ruled Bengal still teaches the glory of the Russian
revolution for all humanity, though Russia gave up communism ten years ago! The
Old Left was itself intolerant, oppressive and dictatorial, sponsoring state
terrorism and genocide wherever it came to power. Indian leftists have never
rejected these policies and look back with nostalgia on the Soviet Union!
Therefore, we
must remember that the leftist criticism of Hinduism coming from the Indian
left is that of the Old Left. This old left in India does not take up many of
the causes of the new left like ecology or native rights. It even sides with
the policies of the political right-wing in western cultures upholding the
rights of missionaries to convert native peoples and continuing colonial
accounts of Indic civilization.
The communist
inspired left in India has tried to demonize the Hindu movement as a right-wing
phenomenon in order to discredit its spiritual orientation. The aim of the
Indian left is to keep the Hindu movement isolated from any potential allies.
After all, no one likes fascists, which is a good term of denigration that
evokes negative emotions for both communists and capitalists.
and the Left
������ The causes taken up by the Hindu movement are more at home in
the New Left than in right wing parties of the West. Some of these resemble the
concerns of the Green Party. The Hindu movement offers a long-standing
tradition of environmental protection, economic simplicity, and protection of
religious and cultural diversity. There is little in the so-called Hindu right
that is shared by the religious or political right-wing in western countries,
which reflect military, corporate and missionary concerns. The Hindu movement
has much in common with the New Age movement in the West and its seeking of
occult and spiritual knowledge, not with the right wing in the West, which
rejects these things. Clearly, the western right would never embrace the Hindu
movement as its ally. Right-winged labels have been cast on the Hindu movement
in an uncritical way. Usually it has been little more than a casting of labels
or stereotypes.
������ To counter this distortion, some Hindus are now arguing for a
new �Hindu Left� to better express the concerns of Hindu Dharma in modern
terms. They would see the New Left as more in harmony with Hindu concerns and a
possible ally. Hindu thought has always been progressive and evolutionary,
seeking to aid in the unfoldment of consciousness in humanity and not resting
content with material or political gains as sufficient. Hindu Dharma should be
reexamined by the New Left and the distortions of by the Old Left discarded.
The New Left will find much in Hindu Dharma that is relevant to its concerns.
������ The Hindu movement can be a great ally to many social
movements throughout the world. It has a base of nearly a billion people and
the world�s largest non-biblical religious tradition, with a long tradition of
spiritual thought and practice. The Hindu movement can be an ally for any
native causes, environmental concerns, women�s spiritual issues and movements
toward economic simplicity and global responsibility, to mention but a few.
Groups espousing
such causes may have looked upon Hinduism as an enemy, being taken in by
leftist propaganda. They must question these distortions of the Old Left. They
should look to the Hindu view for insight, even if they may not agree with it
on all points. They should not trust the anti-Hindu stereotypes of the Old
Left, any more than they trust the views of the now defunct Soviet Union.
a Non-Political Social Order
������ However, the entire right-left division reflects the
conditions of western politics and is inaccurate in the Indian context. We must
give up such concepts in examining Indic civilization, which in its core is
spiritually based, not politically driven. It reflects older and deeper
concerns that precede and transcend the West�s outer vision. As long as we
define ourselves through politics our social order will contain conflict and
confusion. Democracy may be the more benign face of a political order, but it still
hides the lack of any true spiritual order. We must employ the vision of dharma
and subordinate politics to it, which should be a form of Karma Yoga.
������ The New Left also contains various distortions from a Hindu
perspective. True liberalism requires a responsibility to the entire universe,
not just an assertion of individual human rights, which can be to the detriment
of larger social groups or to the natural environment. It looks to the
spiritual human being, our immortal consciousness, and not to the bodily-based
ego as the real human being. It helps preserve organic social orders and avoids
interference with natural cultural development.
We cannot look
to politics to change the world, but to spirituality to change politics. Hindus
should not try to remake Hinduism according to current images of political
correctness, but should connect the world to a greater idea of humanity than
political concerns. These follow the vision of the great yogis and sages who
have stood outside of western political concerns and viewpoints.
������ What is said to be �politically correct� is often �spiritually incorrect�. It consists of simplistic outer solutions that do not go to the root of the human problem, which is one of consciousness, not only social or material equality. We must look back to an organic and spiritual order to society that cannot be defined by either the left or the right of western politics, and which will hopefully set both aside. This is what Hindu Dharma can offer.
For example, in the
United States where I live, I have supported ecology, animal rights and� the cause of pluralism in religion, which
the right wing here opposes. But in the Indian context I am labeled right wing
or even fascist for raising the same issues.
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