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Again and again

I want to live with you once again
At the Rangapanchmi's festival,
I want to paint my cheeks by your hands again.
At the childhood time in the school,
While painting the pictures, i want to sit on the same bench once again.
At that time there were our many neighbors in the class;
But I want to no one should there for little time.
And we should alon for little time.

When l sat somewhere, you would come back and put your hands over my eyes.
Now I want to recognize your friends name as deliberately lies once again. 

You was used to hit me again and again,
I want to scare to hit you,once again.
Through the laughing, talking, irritating,
Through the falsely gating angry;
I want to treat you kindly, once again. 


Again and again

संकेत रणखांब
Again and again