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Replies submitted by Shri T. Y. Dehankar, President, Bar Association, and six others of Bilaspur

Replies submitted by Shri T. Y. Dehankar, President, Bar Association, and six others of Bilaspur

1. According to the Census Report the population was as below:- 1931-5,216, 1941-5,552 and 1951-9,006.

These figures are from census report but they are also not correct.  The increase in the Christian population is more than indicated in these census.

2. The reason of rise in Christian population is mainly due to conversion and the fall in the population of scheduled tribe and caste is due to this alone.  Scheduled tribe and caste being poor are prone to be easy victims of Christian missionaries.

3. Maximum 10%.

4. It is very difficult to give yearly statistics in this regard.  But on the whole it may be safely said that since 47, the rate of conversion has fastly accelerated.  The census report in this regard is not reliable, the actual figures of conversion are far greater than actually under report to the Government.  Nearly 90 per cent of the converts are from scheduled castes (satnamis and Kanojiyas mainly).  Ten per cent are from scheduled tribes and castes from among Hindus.

5. The manner of conversion so far known is-

(1) Various temptation and allurements thrown to the poor and needy according to the particular cases.

(2) Threatening.

(3) Condemning other religions in and out and season.

(4) Sequeezing their victims in tight corners compelling them indirectly to embrace Christianity.

They are converted in both ways-individually and in groups as well according to the place and locality.  Backward people often get converted in group.  They catch an influential man of the caste and try to convert him and with him his followers get converted.

Yes, the head of the family is their first target, other members of the family follow suit as they are too conscious of their own rights due to the wrong notion propagated by missionaries that when the head of the family is converted automatically all of them naturally have converted.

6. The following organisations are engaged in conversion-

(1) Catholic, (2) Shephers Mission, (3) Church of Christ Mission, (4) Evangelical Mission, (5) Foreign Christian Mission, (6) Protest Church, (7) Seventh Day Adventist Mission. (8) Lutherian Mission at Champa.

Yes, their agents do contact their victims individually.

7. The working of the organisation is as follows:-

They carry on their conversion activity with the help of Pracharaks who are under reverenced father of a church.  They go to melas, bazars, and villages, hospitals, court and other such places and by knowing about their likely victims, they throw the allurement or temptations suiting individual victims of theirs and they after seeing their victim completely in their net, use various methods as will be described in answer to paragraph 8 in converting.  Their constitution varies but generally it is as follows:-

VINDICATED BY TIME - The Niyogi Committee Report On Christian Missionary Activities

Sita Ram Goel
Preface The Sunshine of �Secularism� Rift in the Lute Christian Missionary Activities Enquiry Committee, Madhya Pradesh Part I Part II Part III Part IV Appendices Tour Programmes of the Committee District Raigarh District Surguja District Raipur District Bilaspur District Amravati District Nimar District Yeotmal District Akola District Buldana District Mandla District Jabalpur District Chhindwara Questionnaire Replies submitted by Shri J. Lakra Replies to Questionnaire concerning the area covered by Jashpur, Khuria and Udaipur of the Raigarh district Replies submitted by the Catholic Sabha of the Raigarh district Replies Replies submitted by Shri Gurubachan Sing, Raipur Replies submitted by Chairman and Secretary of the General Conference, Mennonite Mission in India, Saraipali, Raipur district Replies submitted by Rev. Canon, R. A. Kurian, Nagpur Replies submitted by Rev. E. Raman, President, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh, Gopalganj, Sagar Replies submitted by Miss M. L. Merry, Khirkia R. S., Hoshangabad district, Madhya Pradesh Replies submitted by Shri L. E. Hartman, Amravati Camp, Berar, Mission Bungalow, Amravati Camp, Berar Replies submitted by Umri Mission Hospital, Umri, via Yeotmal, Madhya Pradesh Replies submitted by Shri F. B. Lucas, President, Independent Christian Association, Yeotmal Replies submitted by Shri R. W. Scott, Secretary, National Christian Council Replies submitted by Dr. E. Asirvatham, Nagpur Replies submitted by Shri P. S. Shekdar, Khamgaon, district Buldana Replies submitted by Shri Sohanlal Aggarwal, Secretary, Vedic Sanskriti Raksha Samiti. Replies submitted by Shri T. Y. Dehankar, President, Bar Association, and six others of Bilaspur Replies submitted by Shri M.N. Ghatate, Nagpur Sangh Chalak. Replies submitted by Shri R. K. Deshpande, Pleader, Jashpurnagar Correspondence of Roman Catholics with the Committee, the state government and the Central Government Extracts from Catholic Dharma ka Pracharak and other pamphlets showing the methods of propaganda Short History of Chhattisgarh Evangelical Mission Camp: Raipur (22-7-1955) Camp Bilaspur (25-7-1955) Raigarh (28-7-1955) Jashpur (22-11-1955) Jabalpur (8-8-1955) Sagar (11-8-1955) Mandla (15-8-55) Khandwa (17-8-55) Yeotmal (10-8-55) Camp Amravati (13-8-1955) Washim (16-8-1955) Buldana 18-8-1955 Malkapur (20-8-1955) (22-8-1955) Nagpur (20-9-1955) Camp Ambikapur (19-11-1955) Activities of Christian Missions in the Eastern States and proselytism in the Udaipur State by the Jesuit Mission